Friday, April 18, 2014


Hi friends. If you've read my blog before, then you will notice that my blog (yet again) has a brand new look! If this is your first time coming on to my blog, don't worry. The previous designs weren't that fantastic. I really like this now though, so let's see how long it lasts. 

The month of April has definitely been good to me. I got to see my older sisters, I finished my longboard and have even practiced longboarding outside (I'm actually pretty good), and I FINALLY finished going through all my clothing/cleaned my ENTIRE room! It took me about a month, but I finally made it happen. Clean rooms rock. 

So, I've been reading a book recently and I want to share what I think about it with you. It's called I Am That Girl, written by Alexis Jones. I'm only on page 73, but it's already changed my life (in a cheesy "discover who you really are" kind of way). The whole message of the book is basically, 'find what you're passionate about, and then DO IT.' In the book, there's a quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald (excellent author, horrendously troubled man) that says, 

"For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."

I love this so much. How many times do we find ourselves getting caught in an everyday routine? Wake up, do the things we're expected to do, go to bed, repeat. Don't get me wrong, it's totally okay to have a routine, and we should definitely be doing the things that we're supposed to do everyday. I'm not suggesting that to make the best of your life you must avoid all things regular, ordinary, and day-to-day. I just think that our lives can be a little more than that. I believe that every day we should try to do something extra. Whether that thing is for ourselves, our family, our friends, or even a stranger. I think that by going out of our way to do something different each day, we can improve not only ourselves, but those around us. Making something of your life isn't a big extraordinary life changing event. Instead, it's made up of the little things you do each day to better yourself and strengthen the relationships with the people you love. 

Okay sorry, rant over. If you're interested in getting that book, you can buy it here. 

OKAY, last thing. Easter is this Sunday and I am so super duper excited for like 7 different reasons.

1. Easter food duh
2. Easter baskets
3. Half price chocolates the day after Easter.
4. uhm
5. I guess I didn't have as many reasons as I thought
7. HE IS RISEN. I love Easter so much because it is the day that Jesus Christ was resurrected! I encourage all of you to go to THIS website and watch the video. It's absolutely beautiful. I know that because of Him, "Guilt becomes peace, regret becomes relief, despair becomes hope, and because of him there is no such thing as an end." 

I hope you all have an excellent Easter weekend! Thank you for putting up with my crazy rants. And don't forget to be grateful for everything, because life is pretty awesome.

Oh, I almost forgot. Here are some things to listen to:
Lanterns // Birds of Tokyo

Sing // Ed Sheeran
(This is Ed's new song, and it is SO good.)

Okay that's all.
