Tuesday, June 10, 2014


So, turns out this week was a really awful week to begin posting every day...I KNOW, EXCUSES EXCUSES. But on the real though, I am incredibly busy with my siblings being home from college, Cami's wedding, leaving for college/packing my life away, etc., etc., etc...... SO, I will actually begin posting every day in a couple weeks, once I get settled into college life and I'm not as stressed/busy as I am right now. 

AS A WAY OF APOLOGIZING, here are some pictures of cute baby animals. ENJOY.


Sunday, June 8, 2014


Hey guys. So, as we all probably already know, I'm not that great at making blogposts regularly. I had previously blamed it on being too busy/not having anything to write about, but I realize now that I was just making petty excuses. Earlier today I watched an interview with John Green, and one of the questions he was asked was, "How do you deal with writer's block?" He responded with, "My dad always says to me, 'A coal miner doesn't get to get coal miner's block. It's your work, do your work.'" And YES, I'm not a full-time writer, YES it's not my official job, and YES people probably wouldn't care if I stopped posting on here, but it is something I enjoy doing (believe it or not) and so I'm applying Mr. Green's wise words to this blog. KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? Lots more posts. Cause I'm gonna do work.

Do not fear, these posts won't be random what-is-Gabby-thinking ramblings because that would probably be terrible. I'm going to attempt to have somewhat of a schedule, and post every business day, aka I get Saturdays and Sundays off, JUST LIKE A REAL JOB. Each day of the week will be assigned a general topic, and then every day I'll post something related to the topic of that day. SOUNDS COOL, HUH? Well, this is definitely something that might not end up happening. If it ends up being a failure, I'll probably just delete this post and no one will ever know how much of a failure I am. The plan is to not fail though, so let's do this.

Although I COULD tell you all the topics for each day of the week right now, I think I'll just let them be a surprise this first week. (This means I actually have no idea what the topics for each day are and am stalling). 

OH OH ALSO, I graduated last night! I am officially a high school graduate! One week from today I leave for college, and "I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be." -Perks of Being a Wallflower. Excellent book, however ridiculously sad and kind of depressing.

LOVE YOU ALL, and talk to you very very soon! Eeeeek!

Something to listen to:
Come Sail Away // Styx
This one has been on repeat the past couple weeks.


Friday, June 6, 2014


I've started this blogpost about 86 times now, but I always end up deleting everything because it just doesn't seem right. So here we go, TAKE NUMBER 87. AND GO.

In approximately 26 hours I will be a high school graduate. Wait........what? Yes, it's true. I, Gabby Heroux, am about to graduate from high school. And then just a short week later, I will be off to start my new adventure! I'm so incredibly grateful that I decided to do summer term at BYU, and although there will be so many changes and it will be a crazy summer, I can't wait to jump right in.

In honor of graduation, beginning college, etc., I made a list of things I wish I knew when I was going into high school and things that I want/need to remember going into my freshman year of college.

1. DON'T BE AFRAID TO BE OUTGOING. Going into high school I was hesitant to be outgoing around my peers because I felt like they would judge me, or label me as the "weird try-hard girl." Looking back, I wish I would have ignored the weird looks from peers and actually went around saying hi to everyone and been my loud, crazy self.

2. DON'T WORRY WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK. This one kind of relates to number 1, but it's a really really important thing to remember. I spent a large part of my high school years trying to please other people and trying to "fit in." I am starting to learn that in the real world (life after high school), people don't focus on the things that were "important" in high school. Instead, they focus on how you treat others, how hard you work, and how you act overall. I wish that I had focused less on how others thought of me, and more on developing my talents, helping others, and forming friendships.

3. DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF. Don't worry about the little things you can't control. You have no control over them....so why waste your time trying to change them? Instead, focus on how you react to them, and try to be grateful for what you have! Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave a really rad talk about gratitude. You can read that HERE if you'd like. Highly recommended by me. 

4. BE HAPPY JUST IN GENERAL ALL THE TIME. If there's one thing I took away from my high school years, it's that happiness is a choice. Although the choice may be either easier or more difficult at times, it is ultimately a choice that you need to make. Wallowing in sadness does nothing for you, it does nothing for those around you, and it just leads to more and more sadness. That doesn't sound pleasant at ALL. By waking up each day and deciding to be positive and then continually looking for the good in everything throughout the day, every aspect of your life will become better. Your relationships with friends, teachers, and your family members will all be strengthened, and you will become more confident and more ready to take on the day's challenges. 

I learned a whole lot more in high school, but if I tried to write everything then this post would take everyone like 5 hours to read, and let's be real....that would be awful. So here is where I must end. Fun fact: next time I post I will be a HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE!!! Where does the time go!?


WAIT HOLD UP PS: Here's some music you should listen to.

For all of the graduates - 
Dream Big // Ryan Shupe & The RubberBand

and then this one is just really good - 
Falling In Love // Us The Duo
(These two are the CUTEST. They're married and they sing together and they are just so adorable it kills me inside a little bit. I've had their new album on repeat this past month!)