Sunday, March 23, 2014


This is being written at late-at-night o'clock on Sunday. I'm just about to go to sleep, so obviously I should write about my life when I'm in an almost-asleep-but-not-quite state. Well, here goes nothing.

First item of business, I went to see Divergent on Friday with my little sister Christy.



All I can say is: IT WAS PHENOMENAL.

Theo James was in it, so basically even if all other aspects of the movie were terrible (they weren't, don't worry), I still would have loved it because he is THE PERFECT HUMAN BEING. Here are a few pictures of the beautiful man, just for fun and because I can.

Okay I'm sorry I'm done Theo James obsessing (for now). 

Other reasons Divergent was amazing:
1. Shailene Woodley ROCKS and totally owned her role.
2. THE MUSIC WAS AMAZING. Ellie Goulding was really involved in all of the music, and I love her so I was really interested to see what the music score would be like. I won't lie, I was a little wary before I saw it because having a popular musician involved with a music score can turn out pretty lame, but Ellie rocked it. There's one scene where her song Hanging On is playing (video of the song at the end of this post) and it probably changed my life, it was absolutely perfect and fit into the scene so well and asdfhajkgl I'm still stunned by it.
3. It was just perfect and everyone should go see it.
4. Theo James.


Yesterday a funny little thing happened. I really wanted to make pancakes last night, so I texted my parents about it. Here's how the conversation went:

Me: Can I make Pancakes
Dad: I don't know.... But you may make pancakes if you can!
Me: When I was using can, I was using it's secondary modal form as a verbal modifier asking for permission, as opposed to expressing an ability.
Mom: I've never loved you more, Gab.
Me: Does this mean I can make pancakes?
Mom: Yep

I ended up not making pancakes, and instead had a healthy late night snack of milk, fruit, and watermelon!
SOOOOO fit and healthy.

Well, I'm getting pretty tired now, my friends. Goodnight, and have an excellent week!


P.S. Here's the song I mentioned.
Hanging On // Ellie Goulding

Friday, March 21, 2014

Hi friends.

So, it's been a while since I've posted on here. 18 days, to be exact. It's not you, it's me. (Don't worry, I'm not breaking up with you.) The simple truth is that I thought nothing exciting/blogworthy was happening to me. But let's just think about that for a second. This is a blog about my life. Quite literally anything that goes on in my life is worthy of being on my blog. So, thus begins the first of (hopefully) many "Normal Day In The Life of Gabs" post.

First, let's talk college plans.
Last time we spoke, I had officially been accepted into the college of my dreams. I also mentioned that I found a roommate, and I am happy to report that said roommate and I are all signed up to live in the dorms together in the summer/fall/winter! Since we are doing summer term, our assigned housing registration date was the very first day that registration opened, which was definitely a relief. No 3rd floor room for us! I also mentioned registering for classes for the summer, and let's just say I'm really excited about my schedule. It's pretty easy, but not so easy that I'll be bored. AS IF I COULD EVEN BE BORED AT COLLEGE. Good one, gabs. Another summer term perk: since I'll be going into fall semester as a 2nd semester freshman, my date to register for fall classes is a good two months before all the other freshman that are starting in the fall. THIS IS FANTASTIC because it means I most likely will not have to take an 8am class, which I already know would be the death of me. One more exciting, college-related thing: My roommate & I officially have tickets to see Carrie Underwood at the Stadium of Fire on the 4th of July! She performed at the Stadium of Fire back in 2010 and they got her to come again this year and I am SO EXCITED. This concert will be a super fun way to start out this summer's crazy adventures. 

Moving on, let's chit chat about my clothing situation
Since we last talked, I have done 9 loads of laundry, and I'm estimating about 3 more until I'm entirely done going through everything that I own. I've gotten rid of about 2/3rds of my stuff, so that's good and also extremely depressing. I also realized that a majority of my clothing is either black, gray, burgundy, navy, or white. I don't really know what that says about my personality, and I don't really know if I want to find out....oh well. 

Another thing, I redesigned my blog.
Probably not the most exciting thing in the world, but I think it's cute and that's all that matters so HAH. 

Here's this last thing: this is a song that I've LITERALLY been ADDICTED to the past week. It's so catchy. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED: if you listen to this, it WILL be stuck in your head for approximately all day/week. 

Goodness Gracious // Ellie Goulding

Have an excellent weekend, my friends!


Monday, March 3, 2014

happy monday, this is March.

Today is Monday. As someone on twitter put it, 


Besides the whole "monday" thing, my life is pretty great. I got into the college of my dreams, I signed up for great classes, found a rad roommate, and now all I have to do is wait! ...and live up senior year because it should be one of the greatest years of my life and I shouldn't just breeze through it, I should appreciate all that I have while I can, yadadada. I've heard that so many times that I could probably recite a 5 minute speech with different reasons why I shouldn't rush through my last few months of being a senior and living at home. But I won't, because that'd be a pretty weird way to spend my time.

ON A DIFFERENT NOTE, it's MARCH! For those living not in Minnesota, march probably means sunshine, warm weather, and SPRING. 
Oh no. Here in Minnesota, the snow is still taller than me. It really truly is bigger than me. I'm 5'2, and in some places there's around 6 feet of snow. 


For me, March brings a few different things. Warm weather not being one of them. 

1. March is the beginning of the 3 month long adventure of spring cleaning.
So, I have a pretty messy room. And when I say messy, I mean MESSY. But the thing is that it's not clutter or garbage or anything other than clothes....SO WHAT IF I HAVE A LOT OF CLOTHES. March is the time that I finally start doing all my laundry that I have neglected to do all winter. But this spring is extra special, because guess what? Dorms are TINY. And I am not about to bring ALL of my clothes out to college with me, or else I would LIT.ER.AL.LY be swimming in clothes. So, this spring I am going through all of my clothes and getting rid of a majority of them. Maybe I'll have a garage sale. Maybe I'll just give my old clothes to friends or goodwill or my little sister. I don't know. All I know is that by the end of April, my wardrobe will probably be cut in half. Which is technically very good, but I just can't stop thinking of how many clothes I will have to give away. A quote from the great book Perks of Being a Wallflower depicts how I am feeling nicely.
"...I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."

Since I take most of my classes at North Hennepin, but still have one at the high school, I get TWO SPRING BREAKS. Or no spring breaks. But I'm trying to be positive, so I GET TWO SPRING BREAKS! 
North Hennepin's spring break is March 8th-16th, during which I still have choir. Maple Grove's spring break is March 29th-April 6th, during which I will still have my college classes. Even if I still have some school responsibilities during each of my spring breaks, it's not as much as I usually have, so I still plan on relaxing and watching a lot of netflix. 

Personally, I think we should have another Christmas this spring break, because spring break feels more like winter break than winter break did.....which obviously means that we should celebrate Christmas again. I don't know. Just a thought.

Although it's freezing outside, March is the month that most stores begin to put out their spring clothes. SO MANY ADORABLE CLOTHES THAT I REALLY SHOULDN'T BUY. Oh, what's new.

4. Last great thing about March: MY MOM WAS BORN THIS MONTH! I love my mom.


This song is called Sonnentanz - Sun Don't Shine. It's originally by Klangkarussell (what a mouthful) and Will Heard, but my favorite version of this song is this Acoustic version, done by Will Heard & the lovely and ridiculously talented supermodel Cara Delevingne. Turns out the girl can sing too. That's just not fair.

Well, until next time, my dear friends.
