Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday Night Swaggy

So I'm currently waiting for the place I need to submit my homework to load. It's taking about a thousand bajillion years, and I'm just really grateful I completed this assignment a day early (MOM LOOK I'M NOT PROCRASTINATING TOTALLY!) because by the time this website loads, it will be tomorrow night at 11pm. Holy ancient WiFi. 

Anyways, I thought that since I'm incapable of doing anything else since my HOMEWORK WON'T LOAD, I would update you all on the life and times of gabeezy. Let's do this.

Monday was the first day of winter semester classes. It was nice to just jump right in and get back in the swing of things. All my classes this semester seem really great, so I'm definitely happy about that. NOTHING is worse than a bad schedule. Seriously nothing.

I was gonna write about each individual day, but then I realized how boring my days actually were. Like, I know I was busy and I did a LOT, but when I began to type those things out, I realized how routine each day is. Classes, work, sometimes a social life, work, homework, netflix, sleep. I'm definitely not a stereotypical college student.....nope, not at all. 

Even though my life as of right now is pretty average and just normal things over and over again, I'm pretty lucky and still have an awesome life. Like, my job is that I get to tweet and facebook and instagram for SPORTS. That's really cool. My classes are all about things that I'm genuinely interested in and want to learn about. That's really cool. My social life (or what small remnant is left over from fall term) is filled with great people and fun times. That's really cool. Homework isn't too bad, because (see point #2) I love what I'm learning. That's really cool. Netflix has been REAL great since Friends was added on January 1st. That's EXTRA cool. And oh man I love sleeping. #cool

This past weekend was filled with basketball games Thursday and Saturday night, and a gymnastics meet on Friday night. (Hey people who knew me in junior high, I bet you never thought my weekends in college would be filled with D1 sports. Lol me neither.) But on the real though, nothing is more beautiful than gymnastics. They seriously do the most amazing, unreal things with their bodies. And I'm over here like sometimes when I'm too lazy to stand up I'll do a somersault to stand up. SHEESH. And of course, basketball is so great to watch. Especially BYU basketball. And especially in the Marriott Center. That place is seriously magical.

Okay, well the website loaded #finally, and my homework is all turned in, and my bed is calling my name like a penguin singing its song to find its one true penguin love (see: Happy Feet). Goodnight everyone, hope you all have the greatest week of your life! Go kick this Monday's booty! 


Love Me Like You Do // Ellie Goulding
okaaay so this song might be for the 50 Shades of Grey movie **WHICH I DO NOT SUPPORT IN ANY WAY*** but it IS a really amazing song. Kaila and I can't stop listening to it. Enjoy.

Irresistible // Fall Out Boy
Fall Out Boy's new song. Super punk rock and hard core and awesome and great to sing and dance along to in your car (or room) (or wherever, really) when you're feeling extra angsty. GREAT.

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