Tuesday, February 10, 2015

so many things

What is up my blog readers? How are you all doing tonight? I'm doing well. It's 10:45(pm, duh), I had a long day, and I thought before I went to bed I should probably post on my blog because I haven't for a while now and avoiding responsibility is a lot cooler and trendier than being responsible. A lot of things have happened since we last chatted. Not really. But I'm pretending a lot has happened cause I want to be able to show my kids my blog and be like "See? Told you I was cool." So here we are. Let's pretend that what I say is exciting and interesting.

1. Okay I think the biggest thing that has happened since we last talked is that I DYED MY HAIR! AND CUT IT! AND DID THINGS TO IT! I am now half blonde half brunette (because I have commitment issues) and my hair is short(er than it has been in a while). HERE'S A PIC: 
#ShamelessSelfie #FollowMeOnInsta (@gabbyheroux)

It's fun and weird and exciting having short blonde hair. It's been a couple weeks, and I'm still not sure if blondes have more fun, and it's stressful cause I have to filter my pics a different way now, but I'm adjusting. It's an adventure. This is what life is all about. Taking risks, having a good time.

2. The only pair of tights that I own - a beautiful burgundy color, that had a velvet-like quality to them - RIPPED. Now I have zero tights. This is so so tragic for me because I hate shaving my legs and tights were my foolproof way of getting out of shaving my legs. If you would like to contribute to the Gabby Tights Fund, please send money to 2107 Chipman Hall, Provo UT 84604. Or if you just want to send a cute care package or a letter or anything. I'm not picky, just desperate for mail. No shame.

3. I sat near Elder David A. Bednar at a BYU men's volleyball game. For those who don't know, Elder Bednar is a prominent leader in the Mormon church. Basically a celebrity. And he came to a BYU volleyball game, because the team is so so good this year, probably. I was working that game (aka sitting on press row tweeting my lil heart out) when I saw someone tweet that he was in attendance. I responded to the tweet asking where he was sitting, then opened up snapchat and it was on front facing camera and I looked and saw Elder Bednar sitting TWO ROWS BEHIND ME. Obviously I took a pic. Obviously he didn't know that the picture happened. He looks a lot older in person. Also he wore a suit to a volleyball game. Who does that? Apparently General Authorities do.

 4. I had a dream that I got engaged and it was really realistic and ever since then I've wanted to be engaged. Not in the I-ACTUALLY-want-to-get-married way, just the I-want-a-pretty-ring-on-my-finger way. Casual.

5. It's seriously been like 60-70 degrees in Utah for the past week. It is heaven and so beautiful. I kind of wish there was snow because I own a really cute winter coat and like, I didn't suffer through 18 years of Minnesota winters to not be able to brag and show off how much the cold doesn't affect me while at college. But, whatever. Hopefully snow comes soon. If it doesn't, then that's cool too because it's so fun walking around in February without ten layers of clothing.

6. Last Wednesday was National Signing Day, which before this year I seriously did not care about at all, BUT now that I work for Athletics, it was a very exciting and eventful day! I had to be at the office at 5:30 IN THE MORNING, which seriously was the worst. Last time I was awake at 5:30am was because I hadn't been to sleep yet. Even when I was in high school and had seminary at 6, I didn't wake up till 5:50 (no seriously, ask my parents). So, getting up at 5 was the worst. BUT, it was so worth it. BYU signed a 6'7 410 lb guy named Motekiai Langi. FOUR HUNDRED AND TEN POUNDS. That's literally FOUR OF ME. He just left to serve a mission, so we won't be able to see him in real life for a couple years, but I will make SURE to get a picture with him when he does play for BYU. #FOUR #OF #ME. The entire day was really great, BYU marketing did some amazing things and made it a crazy awesome experience. If you're interested, HERE'S a quick video that shows what the day was like. I make a quick appearance, working away at that social media table. REPRESENT. 

7. I was thrown around like an actual football a couple days ago. One of my friends who is on the football team just picked me up and threw me to his teammate, who then threw me back. And then I got thrown some more. I WAS AIRBORN. It was slightly terrifying, kind of exhilarating, and I have never felt more connected to the sport of football (mostly because I WAS a football for this time). Not really sure why this made the list. Whatever.

8. According to my tweets (in case you haven't noticed yet, I'm literally going through my own tweets to see what has happened in my life since last blogpost) I've almost died like 7 times, for various reasons ranging from homework, school in general, BYU basketball, drinking redbull for the first time ever (on signing day of course) and then drinking another redbull right after the first one, and carrying 6 loads of laundry up two flights of dorm stairs in one trip. I'm not dramatic at all.

9. Watched Pearl Harbor for the first time ever with Chelsea. THAT MOVIE. So emotional.
9.5. Also watched the movie The Best of Me, also with Chelsea. THAT MOVIE. My favorite Nicholas Sparks movie, which is saying a lot because Safe Haven and The Last Song and Dear John and The Notebook all exist. Highly recommend it. Be warned though, there are a couple fast forward scenes. And be prepared to be emotionally drained. Also be prepared to cry. (GABBY FUN FACT: this movie was the first time I cried in front of Chelsea. Pearl Harbor was the second time I cried in front of her. Friendship is COOL.)

10. KAILA GOT HER MISSION CALL TO THE LAS VEGAS NEVADA MISSION! I am so so proud of her decision to serve. She is going to be an AMAZING missionary. She will also be an amazing companion because after living with me for a year, she'll be a pro at living with crazies. 

11. I had my 4 year Twitter anniversary. January 21st, 2011 was when I signed up for Twitter. This is actually note-worthy because a lot of great things have happened because of my Twitter, and I'm #blessed. If you wanna follow me on there, my twitter handle is @gabbyheroux. Follow me to get an inside look at my brain and a lot of commentary about BYU sports and the life of a freshman girl.

12. Okay sorry this is probably the worst blogpost in the history of forever BUT this is my brain and what has happened to me this past month so deal with it.

My life is good and I am happy and tired but mostly happy. I hope you all have a happy week and an extra good Valentine's Day. Don't forget to treat yo'self cause you rock & deserve it. 



Is There Somewhere // Halsey
Okay, I heard this song earlier tonight and have been listening to it constantly since then. Absolutely phenomenal.

FourFiveSeconds // Rihanna, Paul McCartney, & Kanye West
I love Rihanna. I love Paul McCartney. And I LOVE Kanye West (probably too much, oh well). This song is seriously fantastic and I have had it on repeat since it came out like a week ago. ENJOY.

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