Sunday, February 16, 2014


WELCOME TO THIS THING THAT I DID. I'm not really sure what I'm doing. I DO, however, know that whatever this ends up being, it will be AWESOME.

A little about me for those who don't really know a lot about me: 

1. I am 18 years old, which technically makes me an official adult, but i still feel like I'm 14 most of the time.
2. I greatly enjoy makeup, fashion, etc., but my love for sleep usually overpowers my appreciation for looking good and I usually end up looking like i just rolled out of bed. Which happens more often than I'd like to admit to.
3. Music is very important to me. And yes, every other teenager says the same thing, but I really felt like it needed to be said. So there. 
4. I am currently a high school senior. I am planning (hoping) (praying) on attending BYU-Provo next year. If all goes well I will be taking classes there this summer. AYO. 
5. At the moment, my plan is to major in Communications, specifically Advertising. (Do I need to capitalize those? idk.) I want to use my Advertising major in the music production industry. Careers are so fun to think about. 
6. I'm usually very tired, and very hungry.
7. I'm Mormon! woot woot. you can know more about my church here.
8. Whenever I play 2 truths and a lie, I say three different states. Example: I've been to Montana, I've been to Washington, I've been to Louisiana. 10 points if you guess which one is the lie!
9. I'm really bad at coming up with facts about myself.

SO THERE YOU HAVE IT. My goal for this blog is hopefully to just talk about what I like and what's going on in my life and various other things that I'll probably come up with later on. 

XOXO, (did I really just do that? MHMMM.)

......I don't know.

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