Monday, February 17, 2014


I have a very exciting story for you all. Let's start at the beginning, shall we?

In my last post, I mentioned how I wanted to work in the music production industry. My ultimate ULTIMATE dream job is a Music Supervisor - the person that chooses music for TV shows, movies, etc. For my college writing class, our main assignment is to write a research essay on a topic of our choice. I chose to write mine on music supervision, music production, and what the job includes. A specific part of the assignment is to have a primary source, so I emailed about 15 different music supervisors asking them if they would be willing to answer a few questions so I could have an interview as my primary source.

Well, my email was very professional and wonderful and grown up. I was quite proud of myself. About 5 minutes after I had sent out the last of the email, I got TWO responses from people agreeing to an interview. THIS IS WHERE IT GETS SO SO EXCITING.

The first to respond was David Jordan. In case you didn't know (you probably didn't) he was the music supervisor for multiple action movies, including The Avengers, all of the Iron Man movies, Captain America, Thor, Transformers, Fantastic Four, and so many more amazing movies! I was starstruck.

The next person to respond was Anastasia Brown, aka the woman who was the music supervisor for AUGUST RUSH. Yeah, that's right, you heard me. SHE WAS THE MASTERMIND BEHIND THE MUSICAL PHENOMENON AUGUST RUSH. I am so starstruck. I am so happy. I am so very ecstatic.

I think the most exciting part of all of this is that since they agreed to an interview, I can ask them any questions I would like to! Any suggestions?

HAPPY PRESIDENT'S DAY EVERYONE. Here's a beautiful song that very much describes how I am feeling right now: HAPPY

XOXO, (I did it again)

PS: I didn't proof read ANY of this so sorry for any mistakes. #dealwithit