Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I PROMISE MY LIFE ISN'T REALLY THIS EXCITING ALL THE TIME. I SWEAR. With that said, another REALLY EXCITING thing happened today. Tonight. Whatever, same difference.

As most of you probably (don't) know, I LOVE John Green. He is an amazing author who has written 4 out of my top 5 favorite books: Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines, Looking for Alaska, and The Fault In Our Stars. 
As you all probably (don't) know, The Fault In Our Stars is being made into a MOVIE. Yes, that's right. And John Green himself is helping out with the movie, so you KNOW it's gonna be good. You can watch the trailer here! 

So, moving on with my story: Tonight at approximately 9pm, a very close friend (hey Belle) tweeted something about getting a signed copy of TFiOS at Target. I obviously responded with "what" and she then proceeded to tell me that Target had a few signed copies of TFiOS, that also included a behind-the-scenes movie moments video, and to top it all off, was 20% OFF. I don't remember the last time I ran downstairs so quickly. Probably Christmas or something. Anyways, with the permission of my parents, I drove to Target as quickly as I could (while still obeying all traffic and speed laws) and bought one of the last 3 SIGNED copies of The Fault In Our Stars. 



And so, here I am. Just a poor girl with seminary in the morning that will most likely stay up half the night re-reading her favorite book that just so happens to be signed by her favorite author. I'm pretty sure my copy was his favorite copy ever printed.....probably.

OH, another exciting thing that happened today: part 2 of yesterday's post. 
David Jordan, the action movie guy, offered to do an over-the-phone interview! Which is so exciting because I get to REALLY TALK to him. But also terrifying because what if I start to ramble and say something dumb? Your prayers are all very much appreciated. Thank you. 
Also, another lady responded, and turns out she's been the music supervisor for some really cool projects, including Chicago (the movie), the ORIGINAL Fame TV show, The Replacements, and The Pink Panther! So so cool. I am so excited to have the opportunity to talk to such talented people!

Life is awesome. Have a great night/day/life.

XOXO, (I think this is becoming a thing)

PS: If you're interested, John Green has a fantastic website. He makes YouTube videos, this week's video being "18 Great Books You Probably Haven't Read." You can watch that video and many more, plus learn more about him here: http://johngreenbooks.com :)

PPS (pss?): Once again, I didn't proofread ANYTHING. #sorrynotsorry #again

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